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Tuesday 22 January 2013

A Cinderella Story (A Justlena Love Story) Episode 3 Part 2

A Cinderella Story (A Justlena Love Story) Episode 3 Part 2 Video Clips. Duration : 0.13 Mins.

HERES PART 2 OF EPISODE 3 :) "YOUR GONNA LIVE WITH JUSTIN BIEBER?! Holy fuck!" I had called Tori later the night after I had cooled off to tell her about my horrible nightmare of a night. "Tori calm down its not that big of a deal. Trust me if i could i would let you switch spots with me." "Wait wait when are you moving in? And how long?" "Fucking tonight! As if my night couldn't get any worse. My mom's leaving tomorrow morning so im in the middle of packing my stuff now. In fact I have to go and finish. Ill call you later babe. Wish me luck." "Girl, I promise you this will get better. I love you and I'll see you tomorrow. Remember though, everything happens for a reason." ":) I love you to Tori." The line ended and I continued packing up my stuff while my mom helped me. My head was such a mess right now, I just didn't know what to do. -Later on that night- I heard the car engine come to a stop as we parked in front of a 3 story elaborate mansion. The pebble stoned circular driveway was set perfectly around a hand crafted fountain. Yuck this house just screamed hollywood. I stepped out of the car and took a deep breath and braced myself for what was to come. After saying my long and extremely painful goodbye to my mom, Pattie greeted me out front with a welcoming hand to help carry my bags. "Hi Selena I'm Pattie! Its really nice to meet you." To be honest I had no problem with Pattie whatsoever. From what I've heard about her I actually seemed to really like her. "Its ...

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